
3月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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The kickflip is a maneuver in skateboarding in which the rider flips their skateboard 360° along the axis that extends from the nose to the tail of the deck When the rider is regular footed the board spins counterclockwise if viewed from the back It was the first of many modern flip tricks to be invented or modified by Rodney Mullen in the early 1980sKickflipiosexample Example project for integration of the Kickflip iOS SDK for super easy live broadcasts ObjectiveC Apache 99 80 9 0 Updated Dec 9, 15Kickflipiosexample Example project for integration of the Kickflip iOS SDK for super easy live broadcasts ObjectiveC Apache 99 80 9 0 Updated Dec 9, 15 How To Do A Kickflip On A Longboard Eliteskater Kickflip over the pipe